Live Masterclass for Women Working in Male-Dominated Fields

Crush Your Imposter

How to flip the bird to imposter syndrome. Because you are freaking awesome and you deserve to know it, live it, and navigate your career working in a male-dominated field without second-guessing yourself.

In this Masterclass, you'll learn:


The Major Mindset Shift

that will take you from imposter to empowered so that you can harness your courage and take control of your career.


How to Use Your Network

in a way that helps you combat your imposter syndrome rather than letting it contribute to your feelings of imposter syndrome.


Real Life Examples of Badass Women

fighting through their imposter syndrome, what it looked like, and the results they achieved by following these steps.


6 Steps You Can Take

TODAY, to flip the bird to your imposter syndrome, so that you can take immediate and actionable headway on having the career confidence you deserve.

Let's not even pretend right now.
The world needs more YOU in it!

(YOU = A strong, competent, capable woman)

We know that adding more women into the fold, whether it be in a career field, in the c-suite, or at whatever table you’re currently being blocked from, great things happen.

That is actual science.

And also true is that being a woman in a male-dominated career field is tough. It makes negative thoughts, self-doubt, and fears flare up under the giant umbrella of imposter syndrome.

And we do not have time for that nonsense!

Whether you’ve been harboring these unhappy thoughts, questioning your place, or are simply tired of taking this all on yourself… this can be the turning point you’ve been waiting for.

You have got work to do, friend! Goals to get after! And there is nothing but room at the top for badass women who refuse to get in their own way and bring other strong women up alongside them.  

Join me to learn the skills to fight your imposter syndrome, build your confidence, and let the strong, competent, capable woman I know you truly are, SHINE.

This Masterclass is a
Must Attend if...

A Personal Invitation from Giselle...

I have been helping women develop their confidence and move past imposter syndrome for over a decade.

As a woman sports medicine physician who has worked at the elite level and also trained future generations of women physicians, I have seen this work in action. In myself and in my learners. I help women own their self worth and stand up for themselves, bring their voices to the table, negotiate for higher salaries, and push themselves to believe in themselves and what they can achieve. 

This FREE LIVE masterclass, is a culmination of EVERYTHING I have learned, tried, taught, and tested out in action to help women crush their imposter syndrome so they can get on with getting after it.

If you’re a woman working in a male-dominated field who is committed to overcoming your imposter syndrome so that you too can own your worth, celebrate your value, and get after your dreams, then I cannot wait to help you get there!

Choose the time that works for you >>


See you there!
