119. Finding and Building Relationships with Mentors and Sponsors (while avoiding the assholes!)

Madam Athlete podcast episode 119 cover photo, image of host, Giselle Aerni, MD


Finding and Building Relationships with Mentors and Sponsors

It’s the second Tuesday of the month so I’m taking a deep dive into Finding and Building Relationships with Mentors and Sponsors (while avoiding the assholes)! 

(Welcome to this series! On the second Tuesday of the month, I take a deeper dive into a topic that comes up in the Madam Athlete podcast interviews or in my course, the Women’s Career Transformation Academy. The goal is to provide a little extra knowledge and empowerment beyond the inspirational interviews of my amazing guests’ unique career journeys. Enjoy!)

Inside This Episode

Finding and building relationships with mentors and sponsors is incredibly important for your career. And you need to watch out for the sneaky assholes along the way, who are pretending to be mentors and sponsors, and can have seriously negative consequences on your career and well-being.

In this episode I talk about:

  • the difference between a mentor and a sponsor. 
  • finding mentors and sponsors who are good fits for you and your career goals.
  • the path from starting a conversation with a potential mentor or sponsor through building a relationship that lasts.
  • watching out for the sneaky assholes pretending to be your mentors and/or sponsors who really aren’t. I share some life lessons and examples from my own life to help you see the sneaky gaslighting toxic situation of a faux-mentor.

And lastly, I through out this thought…

Are you being your own best mentor and sponsor? 

Are you encouraging and supporting yourself and being kind to yourself? Or are you your own worst asshole, diminishing your accomplishments, doubting yourself, or being hard on yourself?

Let me encourage you to find mentors and sponsors who support and encourage you and to also be your own best source of encouragement!


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