63. How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

It’s the second Tuesday of the month so I’m taking a deep dive into comparison!

(Welcome to this new series! On the second Tuesday of the month, I take a deeper dive into a topic that comes up in the podcast interviews or in my course, the Women’s Career Transformation Academy. The goal is to provide a little extra knowledge and empowerment beyond the inspirational interviews of my amazing guests’ unique career journeys. Enjoy!)

On today’s episode I’m talking about the comparison game. Only, it’s not really a game, because it’s not fun and there is not a lot of winning if you’re playing. The idea for today’s episode came about when several of the women in my Women’s Career Transformation Academy brought up their struggles with comparison. That they struggle with comparing themselves to other women they feel are further along in their career. That they are in fact comparing themselves to these other women constantly and always feeling like they come up short. And it’s miserable!

I talk about:

What science tells us about comparing ourselves to others

  • The impact of social media
  • Keeping up with the Joneses
  • Leaning into your identity and taking control of your stories
  • Focusing on your priorities and values
  • Identifying your comparison game triggers
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Celebrating the awesome women around you
  • Comparing yourself to an earlier version of yourself to reflect on your growth

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