67. Embracing Accountability and Creating a Culture of Accountability

It’s the second Tuesday of the month so I’m taking a deep dive into accountability!

(Welcome to this new series! On the second Tuesday of the month, I take a deeper dive into a topic that comes up in the Madam Athlete podcast interviews or in my course, the Women’s Career Transformation Academy. The goal is to provide a little extra knowledge and empowerment beyond the inspirational interviews of my amazing guests’ unique career journeys. Enjoy!)

On today’s episode I’m talking about all things accountability. Being accountable is a personal decision and it’s a personal way of being. Taking responsibility for your actions is important, but it can also be a tricky spot for women in particular, and I’ll get into that balancing act. Also, we often talk about “being held accountable” or holding other people accountable, but truly, you can’t force other people to be willing to accept responsibility for their actions. You can set a strong example and create a culture that embraces personal accountability, and I go into the details on how to do to that during this episode. And lastly, I’ll talk about finding and using an accountability partner to help you get after your goals.

I talk about:

  • What accountability is.
  • What accountability isn’t.
  • Being transparent, especially when you’re a leader setting an example on personal accountability.
  • How to create a culture of accountability.
  • Setting clear expectations.
  • The balance between taking responsibility because you’re accountable, versus taking responsibility for things you are not in control over (other people’s behaviors, feelings, actions).
  • Choosing restoration over blame.
  • Using an accountability partner effectively to get after your goals.

You can find me on social media (and DM me with ideas for future deep dive topics!) at:

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