80. Defining Your Values is the First Step to Taking Ownership of Your Career

Defining Your Values

It’s the second Tuesday of the month so I’m taking a deep dive into how the practice of defining your values is one of the very first steps to taking ownership of your career.

(Welcome to this series! On the second Tuesday of the month, I take a deeper dive into a topic that comes up in the Madam Athlete podcast interviews or in my course, the Women’s Career Transformation Academy. The goal is to provide a little extra knowledge and empowerment beyond the inspirational interviews of my amazing guests’ unique career journeys. Enjoy!)

Inside This Episode

You know we talk about this on the podcast all the time…

We often get stuck with these external expectations of what a career or a job should look like. Too often we have our head in the sand, or we’re hustling through all the work, and we don’t stop and take a look around to see if what we’re doing is in alignment with our values.

Because knowing your values, and being in alignment with your values at work, can improve job satisfaction and happiness. And with the rates of burnout and all around misery right now… this feels VERY important!

So I’m going there!

I talk about different types of values and defining your values. And I discuss how you can improve your job satisfaction! This works whether you’re looking into a new job, or trying to make some tweaks to the one you have.


To help you out, I created a free exercise to help you identify your personal values so you can start taking ownership of your career ASAP.  I’ll walk you through the simple steps to defining your values. And then you’ll be able to see if your current job situation is aligning with your values. Finally, you can brainstorm what changes might achieve better alignment, which will help you feel better within that job.

Download your free exercise and start defining your values today!

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