134. Being Authentic to Yourself with WNBA Connecticut Sun Athletic Trainer Nicole Alexander

134. Being Authentic to Yourself with WNBA Connecticut Sun Athletic Trainer Nicole Alexander

Introducing Nicole Alexander

Today I’m talking to WNBA Connecticut Sun athletic trainer Nicole Alexander about being authentic to yourself.

Her Career Journey

Nicole earned her bachelor’s in kinesiology and exercise science from the University of Florida before earning her master’s in kinesiology from Syracuse. While at Syracuse, she began working with basketball which set her on her current path. She worked as an assistant athletic trainer at Notre Dame before she became an athletic trainer at UNC-Chapel Hill, earning another master’s in sports administration in the process. She is currently the head athletic trainer for the Connecticut Sun and has served as a head athletic trainer for the Women’s National Team for three seasons.

Being Authentic to Yourself

Doing good work and being herself has given Nicole the opportunity to work as an athletic trainer at the highest levels. She can trace a direct line from her current job to a chance encounter at a conference where she struck up a conversation and showed up as her full self. Nicole is helping to create an environment where everyone can feel comfortable in the workplace and athletes feel heard.

Inside this episode:

  • Nicole knew very early on that she wanted to be an athletic trainer, even going to AT summer camp while in high school. She still faced some unexpected turns in the road when she started working with men’s and women’s basketball during grad school and fell in love with the sport.
  • She’s found that she loves being a minority woman and serving primarily minority woman athletes. She can draw from her own experiences and times her complaints at the doctor’s office weren’t taken seriously and advocate for her athletes to the rest of the medical team.
  • Nicole often heard during her time in her sports administration grad program that she was “athlete-focused” and always through, well, shouldn’t someone be? Nicole’s interest in possibly pursuing athletic administration someday comes from her desire to translate her experiences in the trenches to the other side and bring a background that’s often lacking in leadership.
  • After more than a decade in college athletics, Nicole felt burnt out and took time away and uncover exactly what aspects of her old job were so draining for her, personally. That time off set her up to be ready to accept her current job with the Sun when the offer came.
  • Many of the biggest moves in Nicole’s career came from her being her authentic self and consistently doing good work. Her advice is to be you, be genuine, and not let comments on your appearance or identity keep you from expressing yourself. 



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