41. How to Handle Imposter Syndrome with AMSSM Research Director Steph Kliethermes

Dr. Stephanie Kliethermes is a biostatistician who helped develop the Collaborative Research Network for the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine in her role as the Research Director for AMSSM. In this role she is also an Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. 

In addition to helping coordinate collaborative sports medicine research across AMSSM, Steph’s personal research focuses on the application of statistical methodology and design to sports medicine topics such as health and well-being in youth, endurance sports, and adaptive sports. 

Steph earned her Masters and PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Iowa. She completed her undergrad at Lawrence University where she graduated with a BA in Math and English and was a 3-sport Division III athlete in Volleyball, Track & Field, and Basketball. Steph was with Midwest Conference Woman of the Year for the 06-07 academic year.

Since college, Steph has turned herself into an endurance runner, having completed over 20 marathons and 2 ultra-marathons. She volunteers as a Girls on the Run Coach to help support young girls in developing confidence through running.

After I nerd out about math for the first few minutes of this episode,

We talk about:

For more information about Dr. Steph Kliethermes, you can find her on social:

And don’t forget to save your spot in the FREE & LIVE masterclass: Crush Your Imposter Syndrome

Dr. Aerni shares her blueprint for making the important mindset shift to get you from imposter to empowered, the networking hack to help you fight off feelings of imposter syndrome, and 6 actionable steps you can take immediately to build your confidence and navigate your career feeling centered in your self-worth. You got this!

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