76. How to Set Goals When You are Burnt the F Out

It’s the second Tuesday of the month so I’m taking a deep dive into setting goals when you’re in the midst of burnout.

(Welcome to this series! On the second Tuesday of the month, I take a deeper dive into a topic that comes up in the Madam Athlete podcast interviews or in my course, the Women’s Career Transformation Academy. The goal is to provide a little extra knowledge and empowerment beyond the inspirational interviews of my amazing guests’ unique career journeys. Enjoy!)

On today’s episode I’m talking about how to set goals when you are in the midst of exhausting and soul-crushing burnout and you’re just about ready to walk away from it all and give up.

Even though it’s January and New Year’s Resolutions time, I am seeing women everywhere talk about how they are too tired to care and just don’t have the motivation to get after it, or they want to pick a word of the year and just cannot.

And I 100% get it.

But I also know that setting goals can help us become more productive and have more satisfaction and feel better as we’re getting after them.

And to get after them, we need to be able to set the right ones so we don’t feel overwhelmed and give up at the very beginning, especially when we’re suffering from burnout.

So I’m going to go there!

These particular goal-setting skills are useful for anyone at any time, but are even more important when you’re exhausted and feeling disconnected from your work. 

And, to help you kick things into gear, I created a free download of 50 ideas for small goals that are great to start off with when you’re struggling with burnout. They’re fun little ideas that can help you build some momentum and energy and have a nice side benefit of helping you manage the symptoms of your burnout at the same time!

Click here to access 50 ideas for small goals to get after when you’re struggling with burnout!

You can find me on social media (and DM me with ideas for future deep dive topics!) at:


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